The Professional Patients App wounds (PPA) aims on the one hand to improve wound care for patients in countries and regions with poor or inadequate medical care structures, to strengthen support for patients among their families. The PPA will be first launched only in Malaysia and will then be rolled out into all countries in the world. The PPA also facilitates the communication between patients and their attending physicians and therapists, despite sometimes large physical distances.
Among other features, the PPA offers users:
WoundWiki a state of the art reference work on the subject of wounds
professionally prepared information on the correct dressing changes as needed including demonstration videos and video links
Reminder functions for timely optimal care measures to allow the wound to heal in the best possible way. This includes e.g. Reminders for dressing changes, for skin care activities, for doctor visits, for taking regularly wound pictures according to the professionals time schedule, etc.
safe inclusion of the family or initiated people by own corresponding internal groups
facilitated communication between the caring professional and the patient
secure data management according to European data protection guidelines
and much more.
These features will be included in the PPA version 1.0 which was launched in Google store play and Apple on the 20th September 2021.
The next version will contain additionally:
- A virtual doctor visit, can be scheduled and booked via the PPA calendar. Either a patient or a professional can book a virtual medical visit (VMV) with his/ her connected patients or professionals. The booking person will pay a small amount which is adopted for each country to the local conditions. The patients gets within this VMV 10 minutes to talk via video chat with her/ his wound Care professional about the healing process of her/ his wound. The call can be recorded on the wish of the user and will be able for download for the person that booked the VMV.
- PPA shop, in which the users can simply order the products that their professional had individually prescribed in a very quick and trustable way. The PPA calculates where possible the product needs, and from having the prescribed products it calculates when the bought products would run out. So to prevent this out of stock situation at the patient, the PPA reminds the patient in time to buy new products
A reminder function for the patients to send a new picture of the wound to the according professional in a rhythm given from the professional, to track the wound healing progress or non-progress,. The function also shows the professional what to do, maybe to change the prescribed products etc.